The Making of Avatar
#70136 / aantal kerenThe whole is crappier than the sum of its parts. (Aristotle)
The whole is crappier than the sum of its parts. (Aristotle)
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Opmerkingen. (40)
Opmerkingen toevoegen. Pagina 1 2 3 4Member
elihu, op May 04, 2011 report post antwoorden applause 0
Schoolpeppers, op February 02, 2011 report post antwoorden applause 0
Hezz, op October 25, 2010 report post antwoorden applause 0
birdbee, op October 13, 2010 report post antwoorden applause 0
James, op June 08, 2010 report post antwoorden applause 0
badham, op March 17, 2010 report post antwoorden applause 0
, op March 08, 2010 report post antwoorden applause 0
From Cameron I just like "Abyss".
Good idea!
ALEX gb, op February 26, 2010 report post antwoorden applause 0
Sieht aber auch ein bisschen nach 3D aus ;-)
PS: Danke für den ehrliche Kommentar zu "...Vatican"
Al-Cane, op February 23, 2010 report post antwoorden applause 0
Nayer, op February 23, 2010 report post antwoorden applause 0
Opmerkingen toevoegen.
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Avatar is lame? YES